DipTESOL info
• We are committed to providing our graduates with the best lifelong careers support possible. We work with you before, during and after the course to help you secure a new job if that is your aim.
• Since 2010, we have helped hundreds of our graduates find work all over the world.
• You can also stay in touch with our community of teachers, trainers and graduates by joining our ELT Hub Facebook group.
The Trinity Diploma in TESOL is for English Language teachers (including primary and secondary school teachers) who…
• have at least two years of full-time experience or equivalent (960 hours).
• work in the private or public sector with language schools, universities or teaching privately.
• are looking for an advanced professional qualification in English Language Teaching.
The course fees are €3,000 which includes all the examination entry fees due to Trinity College.
You may pay in instalments and if you would like to take advantage of this option please contact Jane Ryder at jane.ryder@theelthub.com
If you would like to help with any funding applications in France (such as the FIFPL or through an OPCA) please contact Jane Ryder at jane.ryder@theelthub.com