Content Of The France TYLEC Course

The content of the Trinity TYLEC and The ELT Hub is organised according to the following key modules and their constituent components:

Unit 1: Teaching Skills, including input sessions focusing on the following aspects of ESOL teaching:

The Learning Environment

  • Establishing rapport with learners from different backgrounds, and cultural sensitivity
  • Classroom management: pairing and grouping students according to different teaching and learning objectives, use of space in the classroom: student and teacher positioning and movement in different lesson stages
  • Use of common teaching resources, including paper resources, audiovisual, online resources, interactive whiteboards and powerpoint presentations for ESOL teaching
  • Evaluation and use of coursebooks and other published teaching resources
  • Teacher and student talk, including work with constructive and detrimental types of teacher talk, teacher questions, elicitation, giving instructions and error correction.

TESOL Methodology

  • Common approaches, methods and activity types found in ESOL teaching
  • Communicative approaches to language learning: encouraging active student participation
  • Theories of child development and Second Language Acquisition
  • Digital literacies and 21st century skills
  • Adapting teaching according to different types of learner and motivational factors
  • Awareness and use of a range of activity types, based on TESOL approaches to teaching and learning
  • Use and adaptation of a range of paper-based and other materials
  • Encouraging young learners to notice language
  • Approaches and methods in vocabulary teaching
  • Teaching phonemic awareness and oracy
  • Testing, assessment and evaluation of learners.

Guided Observation

  • Focused observation tasks relating to key areas of ESOL practice and language awareness for TEYL
  • The creation of an observation record of teaching strengths, weaknesses and alternatives based on observed teaching
  • The ability to adapt observed lessons to different teaching contexts
  • Critical identification of processes that underlie successful learning and teaching.

Teaching Practice

  • Lesson planning, staging and setting objectives for lessons effectively
  • Self-reflection on trainees’ own teaching, and post-lesson reflection as a requirement of teaching practice
  • Teacher roles and teaching as part of a team: professionalism and workplace expectations in a France context
  • Guidance on, and completion of the Teaching Practice Journal assignment with developmental action plan
  • Peer microteaching in both supervised and independent settings
  • Guided observation of peers and trained and experienced ESOL teachers working with a range of lesson focuses.

Language Awareness & Skills, including input focusing on identification, description and analysis of the following language areas:

  • Developing phonological competence in young learners
  • Using stories, chants and rhymes to promote understanding of phonology, vocabulary and language structures
  • Oracy as a language skill-set: speaking & listening skills and sub-skills
  • Literacy as a language skill-set: writing & reading skills and sub-skills
  • Integrating language skills, including approaches, methods and activity types used to incorporate varied language skills and sub-skills.

Unit 2: the Materials Assignment, including input which develops trainees’ critical abilities when selecting coursebook and other published materials for use in class, and the presentation of a rationale for their choice of materials

  • The structure of the Materials Assignment Project
  • Selecting and evaluating relevant materials
  • Justifying choice of materials for specific groups of learners
  • Adapting materials for different learner styles and levels of study.